Arts Educa

Suyoto Department of Karawitan (Gamelan Music), Indonesia Institute of the Arts, Surakarta, Indonesia
Hanggar Budi Prasetya Department of Puppetry, Indonesia Institute of the Arts, Yogyakarta, Indonesia


Goal: The main focus of this article is literature in tembang or traditional Javanese song “Sinom Wedhatama” which contains values relevant to community life, in the hope that these values can be instilled in the next generation to build mutual respect between religious communities. The goal of the study is to change the young generation’s version to less popular cultures. Methodology: The article is based on qualitative research. Data collection techniques include a literature review, observations, and interviews. Results: The study finds that Sinom Wedhatama plays a strategic role in realizing a moderate order of society. Sinom Wedhatama contains life teachings that can serve as a special road map for building increasingly open social relations. Conclusion: The existence of Sinom Wedhatama no longer functions as a source of noble values for the social life practices of the Javanese community. Sinom Wedhatama has undergone a transformation as a result of the introduction of new values that are preferred by the community.